
Sunday 17 August 2014

Liebster Award!

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So I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Karin Bellow of  Karinjr! I can't deny the fact that I am very surprised by this as it shocks me that anyone would wish to read my little ramblings about whatever it is that takes my fancy so I suddenly feel like I have been accepted into the blogosphere! I have heard of this award before but I didn't really have any idea about what it actually consisted of, so after doing some research I shall try and give it a shot! (I may be a bit late in doing so!)

11 Facts About Me
  1. I have two beautiful dogs named Lilly and Nell
  2. Paris and London are my favourite cities (how cliché)
  3. I have an unhealthy obsession with Downton Abbey and Gossip Girl 
  4. I am an organisational freak
  5. I get a bit too excited over new stationary
  6. My favourite colours are pink, red and purple (My wardrobe, lipstick and nail varnish choices portray this well)
  7. I am a massive book worm 
  8. Crime dramas are my life 
  9. I'm obsessed with anything floral 
  10. I am a compulsive tea drinker
  11. I adore photography and editing my photos, I know I'm not amazing but I find it so thrilling (?!)
 Karinjr's Questions
  1. What inspires you to keep blogging?
    • Just the thought that people may actually like what I'm writing about. When I first set up my blog I never really expected anyone to read it and it surprises me that people do! I don't find it hard to keep motivated to blog because I enjoy it so much! 
  2. What is the high end/luxury product that is your favourite?
    • It pains me to say it but I am not in possession of very many high end/luxury products but my favourite has to be my Elizabeth Arden lipstick in a really bight pink colour (I don't actually know its proper name, I do apologise)
  3. What is your favourite film?
    • I don't have one favourite film but my top few have to be The Dark Knight trilogy and the Keira Knightly version of  Pride and Prejudice (what a contrast!). 
  4. What is your favourite thing to write about?
    • I don't really have a favourite if I'm honest. I like to blog about whatever takes my fancy when I decide it's time to write a post so it all depends on my mood at the time. I do enjoy blogging about books and day trips however! 
  5. Why did you start blogging?
    • I'd started reading blogs by the likes of Zoella and The Beauty Crush after I discovered them on YouTube and thought that they looked like they really enjoyed what they were doing and that really inspired me to start my own blog. I know I'm never going to be a patch on them but since I've started I just can't stop and I'm loving it! 
  6. If you could be any character from any book or TV show ever, who would you be and why?
    • Catherine Morland from Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey hands down. The sole reason being that she gets to marry Mr Tilney. *swoon*
  7. Who's your blogger best friend?
    • I created my blog back in February but I only really started using it in May so I haven't really communicated with many fellow bloggers so I am ashamed to say I do not yet have a blogger best friend :( 
  8. What's the best piece of advice that you've ever been given?
    • Don't look back. The past is the past for a reason. Don't think about what could have been and just focus on the future. There's nothing you can do to change it and try and make the future the best you can possibly make it. 
  9. What's your dream job?
    • My dream job has always been a career in fashion, yet I have applied to do a degree in sociology and criminology. I don't understand myself sometimes so good luck to the rest of the world... 
  10. Which Friends character are you most like?
    • I must confess that I don't and never have watched Friends. Everyone I tell this too always gasp in the up most horror like I've committed the most terrible sin known to man. I did however do a quiz the other day on which character I am most like and the result was Rachel, I do not know how correct or incorrect this is but hey ho I'll take it! 
  11. What's your worst habbit?
    • Oh they are many. The two worst probably have to be biting my nails (I've been doing well though recently, I've managed to stop myself so they are actually looking reasonably nice!) and picking at nail varnish so after a few days they look like a right state. 
My Questions

  1. Do you have any pets?
  2. Who is your current celebrity crush?
  3. What is your favourite beauty product and why?
  4. What would your dream career be?
  5. What's your favourite thing to blog about?
  6. What do you enjoy the most about blogging?
  7. What's your favourite quote?
  8. Who is currently your favourite blogger?
  9. What is your favourite item in your wardrobe?
  10. Where is your favourite city?
  11. What is your favourite song at the moment?

My Nominations! 
  1. Liv-Rose
  2. Delicate Beaute
  3. Rebecca Rachel
  4. Being Chyna
  5. Peachileo
I'd just like to thank Karin again for the nomination and I am still very surprised!


  1. I was going to tag you aswell ha ha you've a great blog :)

  2. Thank you so so much for the nomination , i love your blog heaps xxxxxxxxxx
    here is my Liebster award blog post : xx

    1. Don't worry about it! Thank you, yours is fab!

  3. Girl. Given your answers, I think we could be blogger best friends! I've never seen Gossip Girl, but I absolutely love Downton Abbey -- it's one of the few TV shows that I sit down and make time for! I follow Michelle Dockery on Instagram and they've just wrapped up filming on Season 5, so aaahhhh, I'm excited! Also, Richard E. Grant and Catherine Steadman are going to be in the new series, so I am very, very, very excited about that.

    Stationary = adore. It was Smiggle when I started, but I've graduated to Typo and Kikki.K. I'm not very organisational, I'm afraid, I don't have the space for it at home (a weird concept, I know) but I try my best! -- And now books. I love books. I have to ask, what are your favourites? I've been reading the Outlander series like a fiend, but I've had to step back because of all my uni reading(sigh). You should do the Reading Tag, I'd love to read your answers!

    When you say you like "crime dramas", are we talking shows like Midsomer Murders or Foyle's War or Castle, etc? Basically murder mystery shows? I love them. Seriously, truly love them. I've just started watching Foyle's War because I got Season 1 on sale -- plus I love Perdita Weeks and her sister Honeysuckle Weeks is in it, so y'know... by association I naturally adore her too.

    If I addressed everything else in your pose (e.g. Keira Knightley in Pride and Prejudice, Mr Tilney (swoon), Friends, etc.), you'd have the longest comment post in history and I feel like this has become long enough!

    Sarah xo
    Diary of a Beauty Padawan

    1. Ahhhh Gossip Girl is so so good! Isn't Downton just amazing?! I absolutely can't wait for Season 5! Oh my gosh that should be amazing! I must admit though, it was never the same after Sybil and Matthew died :(

      Stationary excites me so much! I spend about half my life in Ryman and WHSmith! I could happily spend all my money in there. I am one of those people who has to have everything in place, which you wouldn’t be able to tell if you could see my room right now, complete mess. When it comes to plans I need to know exact details or it stresses me out so much! It’s so hard to choose favourite books! I must say however that Dracula, Harry Potter and anything by Jane Costello are definitely up there though! I have never read them! Are they any good? Work is such a pain for getting in the way of things like this! Oooh now that does sound like an idea!

      I was brought up on murder mystery shows! Foyle’s War is definitely one of my favourites! I used to watch Midsomer Murders all the time but I haven’t really enjoyed them in the past few years. Another few of my favourites include anything really by Agatha Christie, Lewis, Law & Order UK, there are too many to list! I love Honeysuckle Weeks in Foyle’s War! Her character is my favourite by far!

      Hahaha! It does sound like we have an awful lot in common!

    2. I have to agree -- the cousin (Rosamund...? I can't remember at the moment) is doing a nice enough job of being the "wild child" in Lady Sybil's place, but it's just not the same without Sybil herself. And when she and Matthew died... Holy smokes, I cried like a kid with a scraped knee and threw stuff. Even though Matthew and Mary are one of my OTPs, I wouldn't mind if she ended up with one of the new guys. Who's the one who's not Gillingham? That guy who was all against the aristocracy and ended up being rich as creases himself? THAT's the guy I like. Gillingham is cool, but he's meh.

      OOOHHH, we have a WHSmith in the city! (I keep pronouncing it WHS & Smith, -.- don't know why). It looked like a run-of-the-mill convenience store to me, kinda like 7/11 but with more books or magazines I think, but then I've never been inside. I might need to check it out the next time I pass it.

      Oh man, I love Harry Potter. My mum's a librarian, so I was raised on books and she shoved HP into my hands and then later had to pry it out! Do you have a favourite character/book? I don't think I do at the moment... It's been a long time since I've read them. I actually started writing a fanfic years ago, but it's horribly incomplete. I got good reviews but it was loads of work and I quickly fell behind my publishing schedule. I remember looking at it last year to see if I should re-start it, but I've foreshadowed things that I can't remember plotting out so God knows what I'd do! I haven't read Dracula yet, but it's on my list! I was meant to take Gothic Lit last year at uni (buttheads wouldn't let me for the lamest reason) and Dracula was on the reading list, so I'm really disappointed that I missed out.

      Okay, so Outlander is amazing. It's about this WW2 veteran nurse called Claire, who's on her "second honeymoon" with her husband, Frank, in the Scottish Highlands. She goes and visits this circle of stones, something happens, and she's somehow transported roughly 200 years into the past. So she's stuck in 1740s Scotland and that's when the fun really starts. The books are pretty big, but they are such an easy read. They've made a TV series about the first book, too, it just started airing a couple of weeks ago -- the guy who plays Jamie... *drooool*

      I'm trying to get my way slowly through Foyle's War. I thought about watching another episode last night, but I thought, 'No, just do some reading for uni instead.' Which, of course, means that I promptly went to sleep. Honeysuckle's character in FW isn't too developed yet, but I think that'll happen quickly. I don't watch Midsomer Murders habitually, I simply don't have the time to sit down and switch on the TV at a set time. I've got the first 13 or 14 seasons as a box set, so I'm slowly going through those when I can. Some of the episodes are truly scary! Unfortunately one of my discs has kind of melted slightly, but I bought it 18 months ago -- opened it six months ago -- and the store I bought it from don't sell it anymore, so I'm stuck with a dud disc. :| OHHH I love Agatha Christie! I'm a huge fan of Marple and Poirot, particularly the ones starring Geraldine McEwan and David Suchet. Do you have a favourite mystery? By far, mine is A Murder is Announced. HI-LARIOUS! Lewis is also awesome, but not often on TV and the DVDs are expensive, so I haven't watched much. Laurence Fox, btw, is a spot-on dead ringer for my friend Martin. I am not kidding one bit.

      Ahhh, such a long reply again! ;D

    3. She is! I think it may be Rose? I really didn't like her when she was first introduced but now she’s one of my favourite characters! Ah same here! I'm not normally one for crying at TV shows but their deaths had me uncontrollably sobbing a corner! Matthew and Mary were definitely one of my favourite couples too! I really do just want her to be happy! I can’t remember his name either haha! I must admit, it has been ages since I've watched series 4 and I can’t really remember much about him! I should really re-watch it before series 5 begins!

      The WHSmith where I live is definitely more stationary and magazines more than anything else! I would recommend it To be honest though where I live there aren't that many great shops, needless to say stationary shops!

      Harry Potter is just amazing. I've re-read them all so many times and I'm still not sick of them! Hmm I must say my favourite book is The Prisoner of Azkaban but only just! It’s so hard to pick a favourite character but I must say I think Sirius and Fred and George must me mine! I was devastated when Sirius and Fred died. I can’t say I really read fanfics let alone write them, but maybe you could try and restart it and just try and change what you foreshadowed? Ahhh It’s sooooo good! It does have its fair share of dry bits but it is mainly so hard to put down! I definitely recommended it!

      Now that does sound interesting! I may have to give them a read!

      She’s by far one of the best characters in it in my opinion! I used to watch Midsomer Murders all the time but not anymore. Same here! I just prefer to stick to on-demand players if I'm honest. My time keeping has become so bad regarding TV these days. I just got out of it with sixth form and work and I haven’t really got back into the habit! Wow good luck with that! They are! I remember getting really creeped out by some! Well that’s rubbish  They are my favourite too! I must admit though that I refer the Peter Ustinov version of Death on the Nile though. I find it so hard to pick a favourite! Some of the books are so different from the TV shows which forces you to have a different favourite book to favourite TV episode! I think though my favourite episode must be By The Pricking of My Thumbs but I love all the books I've read so far equally! My collection is forever growing! I must invest in the complete set of DVDs! We are slowly (very slowly) collecting the boxsets of Lewis. I much prefer it to Morse if I'm honest. Although I do love Morse’s prequel Endeavour. That’s so strange! I do have a bit of a soft spot for Laurence Fox I can’t deny haha!

    4. Yeah, Rose sounds about right! I feel like there was another cousin who I didn't really like, a proper troublemaker, but I can't remember if it's her or a different character altogether. I hate it when shows make you cry. Have you ever seen the Titanic mini-series done by Julian Fellowes? You think, "Yeah, okay, I can get through this -- four episodes, sure, the boat sinks at the end, y'know, so that'll be when the crying is." HAHAHAHA no.

      Next time I pop past WHSmith I'll definitely take a look about! I think they're slowly popping up more and more, I've seen two now.

      Oooh, Prisoner of Azkaban is my favourite too! I honestly don't know why -- it was probably because of Hogsmeade and the Marauders Map. After that, just after that, is Order of the Phoenix. I know that was largely because of all the stuff Fred and George got up to, but it was brilliant. Sirius dying made me cry -- it was the first time I'd ever cried about something that happened in a book. Fred not so much, but then for some reason I was never really able to get a clear sense of him dying. I know I read the section several times, but... I don't know, perhaps I rushed through it or something and I missed something somewhere. Dracula does sound like excellent reading -- I really love old literature. I read The Monk about a year ago -- it was notorious when it came out, it was banned and all that, but I was like, "Well, this is the 21st century, not 1793, how shocking could it be?" WELL. I was definitely quite shocked.

      I watched Ep. 3 of Foyle's War the other day, I'm really glad that her character is being fleshed out! I really, really, really want to watch the next episode, but I have so many assessments for uni due this week that I've just got no chance unless I want to fail. :| I'll look up that version of Death on the Nile, I remember that was the last Christie book I was reading. Typical me, I stopped halfway through and forgot about it. I haven't read many of her books, I just don't have enough time, but I've got them on an eReader and I've slowly been making my way through them one by one -- they're sorted alphabetically by title. I agree with you about adaptations being different. I absolutely loved the casting of A Murder is Announced, I thought it was perfect -- I just wished they'd kept more to the book. I remember watching By the Pricking of My Thumbs -- maaan, that was a creepy one! The creepiest I've watched, but overall maybe the second creepiest mystery I've come across. And Then There Were None gave me chills.

      :O Are we kindred spirits? I have an acknowledged problem with buying DVDs -- I have 273 of them (575 discs). I know because I've actually gotten to the point where I need a word document to keep track of what I've got. Some of them I haven't even watched yet, which is really bad. I've seen a little Morse, and I quite enjoyed it, but nothing of Endeavour. I've eyed it off a couple of times, but it's not high enough on my list yet. Have you ever seen New Tricks? I've got the first couple of seasons of that, I love it.

    5. I can’t remember when Rose was introduced but I remember she was a bit wild so maybe it was her?! I did see that actually, it was soo good! I think what makes it so bad is because you know the ending is inevitable and you get so attached to the characters!

      WHSmith is by far one of my favourite stationary shops! I love all they pretty stationary they have! It just makes me so happy hahaha!

      I love the Marauders Map and the story behind it! Hogsmeade is my favourite place in the whole story! I’d kill to go to Honeydukes haha! I’m not even exaggerating when I say my dream holiday would be to go to that Harry Potter world thing in Orlando! The Order of the Phoenix is definitely a very close second! I was devastated when Sirius died. I’m a bit like that! I know Fred died but it didn’t really feel like he did. I felt it more in the films though, however none of the films beat the books. I once reread the Chamber of Secrets and thought how good the film would be when it was released then remembered it had already been made! Oops! Dracula is amazing and the way it’s written is equally amazing! I heard about the book in Northanger Abbey haha! I found their reactions hilarious! Is it really that bad then!? Because I thought the same thing about it not being as bad they say it is!

      Work always gets in the way of the important things in life hahaha! It’s been a while since I’ve watched that version but is by far my favourite. I have the book but I am yet to read it! I always do that, I start one, put it down and then start another and forgotten I’ve started the other one! Either that or work gets in the way :( I’ve read a handful but not as many as I’d like to read, I can’t say I’m a fan of eReaders though. Nothing beats a real book! I have A Murder is Announced but I haven’t read it yet! I’ve watched a couple of adaptations and they are all so different, it’s so hard to judge which one is my favourite! I think I like By the Pricking of My Thumbs so much because it was so creepy! I am yet to read And Then There Were None as well haha! I got quite a few of them for Christmas which added to my tiny collection but so many other book s have got in the way of reading them and I just keep on buying more books! I really need to stop, I ran out of bookshelf space a while ago and I just don’t know where to put them now!

      Wow! That is a lot of DVDs! I thought I had a lot but it’s nowhere near that many! I go through fazes where I buy loads and then none at all. We have a table to document ours too! We have so many unopened ones it’s terrible. One of which is War Horse, which no one in my family can bring themselves to watch again. We’ve had it ages as well! Let’s hope the disk hasn’t melted! Endeavour is better in my opinion but that’s just me! Ahhh yes, I used to love New Tricks! Not so much now though as almost the whole cast has changed :(
