
Thursday, 28 August 2014

I Must Be Insane...

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I know recently I wrote a post about getting my place at university but after a very long think, I came to the very hard decision of attempting to resit a few of my exams and reapplying for next year. I may sound insane but when it came down to the process of applying for accommodation I was told that they were unable to offer me any and I had to find somewhere that was privately owned. After two long days of consecutively ringing around places, all I kept getting was voicemail or the response that the rooms had been fully booked up. The thought that I was unhappy with my results has been continuously bugging me since results day and I personally think this is the best decision I can make at the moment in order for me to be happy and not be constantly thinking "what if...?" for the foreseeable future. As I said, I must be insane voluntarily putting myself through the stresses of A Levels again when I had secured a university place when many did not, but what's the point in going to uni and having nowhere to live and with it being so far away from my home it would be impossible to commute.


  1. I don't think it's a bad thing to put off university for a while if it's not what you immediately want to do. In Australia (more in my state), we have something called VCE instead of A Levels, but I'm fairly confident that they're pretty much the same: a lot of stress, standardised scores, late nights and nervous breakdowns.

    Perhaps you've already considered this and found it not to be an option -- perhaps you can't do it in the UK -- but my suggestion would be to consider deferring your course for a year, take a gap year instead. Your place will still be guaranteed, and you might be able to get an early foot in the door where accommodation is concerned. I certainly wish that accommodation had worked out for me -- it takes me five hours in total to travel to and from uni, and that's on a good day -- so I'm often knackered as afterwards.

    As I said, perhaps it's not a viable option for you right now, but I know I wouldn't want to put myself through the stress of VCE again, and I'd hate for you to put yourself into a situation of unnecessary stress, y'know?

    Sarah xo
    Diary of a Beauty Padawan

    1. Yeah, I decided to resit and get a job (mainly so I don't go insane at home!). We don't have the VCE thing here. I decided to reapply altogether as the uni I got onto was my second choice and I wasn't entirely happy with it so I chose to resit to try and improve my grades to maybe get into a better one. Oh gosh! 5 hours?! That's insane! I thought an hour to get to work was bad! I'm surprised you get anything done!

      Sorry for the late response!
