
Monday, 16 June 2014

I've Finished My A-Levels!!

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Today was the day of my last exam and boy does it feel good to be free! I finished sixth form on 22nd May but I have still been going in almost everyday as an attempt to motivate myself to revise. It seemed to do the job as I found most of my exams alright, there were a couple which I massively messed up on and I'm hoping they won't affect my final grade too much as I desperately need ABB to get into my university of choice but in the words of Doris Day "que sera sera". I now have the long wait until the dreaded results day on 14th August but I have plenty planned to keep my mind off the stresses it shall bring! As for now, I feel at a huge loss of what to do with myself as I keep thinking I need to be revising and there is just a massive hole where my revision used to be. I am not complaining though! I will sixth form dearly as I have loved the past two years I have spent there and I have meet some truly amazing people but it is safe to say A-Levels will not missed one bit!

1 comment:

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